Nail fungus can be treated not only with drugs, but also with the help of traditional medicine. The main thing to learn is that the treatment of this problem with folk remedies is possible only at the initial stage, when the disease is not triggered.

Try fighting a fungal infection with iodine. Everyone knows what an antiseptic it is. The tool does an excellent job with the fungus at home and does not require large financial costs, as is the case with every home first aid kit.
Iodine has powerful fungicidal properties, it causes proteins to coagulate and kill them. Due to the fact that nail fungus has a protein structure, this product quickly destroys the infection.
The main advantage of iodine is its availability and safety. The tool destroys many varieties of mushrooms. Since the product can cause allergic reactions, it is advisable to carry out an allergy test before treatment. This is done on the elbow. If you experience itching and redness, it is better not to carry out iodine treatment. The drug is ideal for cases where less than 1/3 of the nail plate is affected by fungal infection.
Take a 5% iodine solution. Treat problem areas of the nails with the remedy twice a day. Also, for the purpose of prevention, you can perform such a procedure with healthy nails.
tea mushroom
To obtain a curative mixture against an illness, you must immerse Kombucha for a week in a sugar solution. Once the mixture is infused, you get a sweet and sour drink. Such a tool has unique properties. It destroys pathogenic bacteria and stops their growth. Kombucha has long been used to clear infection on the nails. You can use the product in two ways: in friction or in compresses.
For the first method, take a slice of kombucha and peel it off the dandruff. Then the product is crushed and rubbed into the nail plates with fungal infection. This procedure is carried out twice a day.
For compresses, you will need to separate the layer from the fungus and soak it in water. The tool for compresses is ready and you can perform the procedure. It is best to do this before going to bed. Put the fungus on the painful nail and isolate it with cellophane and socks. Sometimes this treatment can cause pain.
After sleep, the compress is removed and the legs are washed with warm water. Then you can start removing the keratinized parts of the nail. After that, the damaged areas are treated with brilliant green. The course for full recovery is 7 days. To consolidate the result, extend the treatment for one or two days as a preventive measure.
How to get rid of nail fungus with salt?
Table salt has properties such as disinfection and softening, and also has an antiseptic effect. Table salt can be used as an adjunct treatment. Dissolve a bed of salt and soda in cold water. Do foot baths for 10 minutes. After the procedure, do not forget to rinse your feet with warm, clean water.
Another effective remedy is to apply salt patches to problem areas. You can use a swab dipped in a concentrated sea salt solution at the rate of one glass of water per teaspoon of salt. Make compresses for 2 minutes, then rinse your feet with warm water. The duration of salt treatment is 10 days.
Sea salt combined with essential oils
Such baths are done within 10 days. Take a bowl of hot water and add one and a half tablespoons of salt per liter of water. You need to mix the salt well, then add 4 ml of essential oil to it.
Garlic water against nail fungus
To prepare such a drug, take a spoonful of table salt and crushed garlic.
All components should be dissolved in a glass of water. Strain the mixture, treat problem areas with medicine twice a day.
Apple cider vinegar helps eliminate nail fungus
For such treatment, only 9% vinegar is suitable. The fungus dies quickly in an acidic environment. You can eliminate the symptoms of a fungal infection even at an advanced stage. Remember that additional vinegar treatment may be required.
The best way to use vinegar at home is to soak your feet in it, then put on warm socks. The procedure is performed before bedtime. You can also mix equal amounts of iodine and 9% vinegar. With this mixture, lubricate the plates of the nails and feet, where the fungus is present. The bite quickly resists the fungus, but if you exceed the dose, you can burn yourself.
Vinegar baths
To prepare a bath, you will need a basin of water and 250 ml of vinegar. Apple or table vinegar will do. Boil water and pour vinegar into it. Dip your feet in the basin and steam for at least 10 minutes. Do the procedure before going to bed. Such baths should be done every other day.
You can make lotions from vinegar. Dip a cotton swab in vinegar and apply it to the area affected by the fungus. For more comfort, you can fix the tampon with adhesive tape and wear warm socks. The duration of treatment with this method is one week with a frequency of once a day and a break of 2 days.
Celandine is a poisonous plant, so it is very important to observe the dosage. The grass helps to get rid of nail fungus at home, even if the situation is neglected. You can buy concentrated celandine juice at the pharmacy and make lotions.
It is necessary to lubricate the nails with celandine juice after steaming the legs and drying them completely. Treat the nail plate with the product three times a day. Continue treatment until a healthy nail plate grows back.
Baths based on celandine
Add celandine infusion to the foot bath. It's quite easy to prepare. To do this, you need to brew 100 grams of grass in a liter of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 20 minutes. Filter and use as a bath. Steam your feet for at least 10 minutes.
Celandine juice
To prepare a healing mixture, take:
- 5 drops of celandine juice;
- 75ml of water;
- 2-3 drops of calendula tincture for alcohol;
- 2 drops of oregano juice.
All ingredients should be well mixed. Lubricate the nails affected by the fungus at least 3 times a day, and you can quickly get rid of the fungal infection and eliminate its symptoms.
Alcoholic tincture of celandine
It is recommended to use alcohol tincture of celandine with caution.
To prepare such a remedy, you will need vodka and celandine grass. The ingredients are taken in a 2: 1 ratio. The drug is infused for at least 12 days. Use the tincture to treat fungus on the feet. Start with small doses, gradually increase the dose by 5-20 drops.
Important Tips
Remember that treating a fungal infection is not an easy task, especially if you decide to deal with the problem at home. Despite the fact that traditional medicine uses natural ingredients for the preparation of ointments, tinctures and decoctions, many remedies have contraindications for use. To make sure of the suitability of a particular method of alternative treatment, contact a specialist.
Perhaps in your case there will not be enough folk remedies, and you will need drug treatment. It is preferable to eliminate mycosis as soon as the first symptoms appear, rather than to treat an advanced disease. To avoid disastrous consequences, consult a doctor in a timely manner if you notice the first manifestations of the fungus on your nails.
An experienced specialist will be able to conduct a comprehensive examination and identify the main causes of a fungal infection, which will effectively treat the disease. In addition, only a doctor will be able to warn the patient about possible contraindications to a particular folk remedy.
Many people believe that herbs are absolutely safe, but in fact it turns out that they have no fewer contraindications than drugs.